
Latest Past Events

Flooding and Stormwater

Trini Mendenhall Community Center 1414 Wirt Road, Houston

Hear about creative approaches to managing stormwater at the site level. This session will focus on integrating Low Impact Development/Green Infrastructure and other innovative practices into local planning and development. These approaches are helping communities and developers retain more water on site while creating attractive developments and providing community amenities. Stormwater Green Infrastructure: Evaluation, Performance and Modeling Instructor: Dr. Fouad Jaber, P.E. Associate Professor Integrated Water Resources Management Extension Specialist with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension located at the Texas AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Dallas. Presentation Title... Read More →


Hazard Mitigation and Plan Integration

Houston TranStar 6922 Katy Road, Houston

The art of good planning is about injecting long-term considerations into near term-actions. Communities that integrate hazard mitigation principles and factor in long-term risks into their existing plans stand to make their communities more resilient and less prone to disasters. Hear about approaches your community can embark upon to link risk with your community’s ongoing planning and vision. Instructor: Mr. Ronnie McDonald Executive Director Community Relations and Strategic Partnerships with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service (Texas A&M Forest Service) Instructor: Dr. John Jacob Director, Texas Coastal Watershed Program... Read More →
